The main guide for this research can be found at A Guide to Spiritual Gifts

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Modern Works: 1900-1949

Nash, T. A. N., and Catholic Apostolic Church. Spiritual Gifts. S.l.: s.n., 1901.

Wotherspoon, H. J. The Ministry in the Church in Relation to Prophecy and Spiritual Gifts (Charismata). London ; New York: Longmans, Green, 1916.

Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. Counterfeit Miracles, Thomas Smyth Lectures, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Ga., 1917-1918. New York,: C. Scribner's Sons, 1918.

Mulford, Prentice. Spiritual Gifts : And Other Essays, Life and Light Books. Lond.,, 1920.

Brett, Jesse. Divine Endowment : Considerations of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. London ; New York: Longmans Green, 1921.

Pridie, James Robert. The Spiritual Gifts. London,: R. Scott, 1921.

Panton, David Morrison. Irvingism, Tongues, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 2d ed ed, Present-Day Pamphlets ; Iii. London: Thynne and Jarvis, 1923.

Matthews, John. Speaking in Tongues. Kansas City, Mo.: Matthews, 1925.

Haines, Frederick Henry. Spiritual Development: A Book of Counsel on the Attainment of Spiritual Gifts, The Spiritual Wisdom Series ; No. 4, 1929.

Cobham John, Oldcastle. Concerning Spiritual Gifts. Being a Sermon on 'the Group Movement,' Etc. London and Oxford: A. R. Mowbray and Co., 1933.

Hathaway, W. G. Spiritual Gifts in the Church. London: Elim Publishing Co., 1933.

Horton, Harold Lawrence Cuthbert. The Gifts of the Spirit. London: F.J. Lanb, 1934.

Daniells, Arthur G. The Abiding Gift of Prophecy. Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press, 1936.

Gardeil, A., and Anselm M. Townsend. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost: In the Dominican Saints, Dominican Library of Spiritual Works. Milwaukee London: Bruce Publishing ; Geo. E.J. Caldwell, 1937.

Munro, John Ker. "The New Testament Spiritual Gifts." Thesis (Th.M.), Dallas Theological Seminary, 1940., 1940.

Kelly, Bernard J. The Seven Gifts. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1942.

Haynes, Carlyle Boynton. The Gift of Prophecy : The Teaching of the Bible Regarding the Voice of God among His People from the Beginning of His Work on Earth, and Particularly the Manifestation of His Divine Leadership in Connection with the Closing Message of the Gospel : An Account of the Prophetic Gift, Its Removal Because of Apostasy, and Its Restoration to the Remnant Church. Rev. ed. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Pub. Association, 1946.

Gee, Donald. Concerning Spiritual Gifts: A Series of Bible Studies. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Pub. House, 1947.

Graber, John B. "The Temporary Gifts of the Holy Spirit." Thesis (Th.M), Dallas Theological Seminary, 1947.

Sterrett, Thomas Norton. "New Testament Charismata." Thesis (Th.D.), Dallas Theological Seminary, 1947.

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