The main guide for this research can be found at A Guide to Spiritual Gifts

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Historical Works: 1850-1899

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the term "spiritual gifts" became commonly used in spiritualist circles to mean various occultic abilities. Several such references were removed from this list in the editing process.

Hippolytus Saint, of Rome. The Tradition of the Apostles Concerning Spiritual Gifts ... Translated from The ... Greek. London, Derby [printed]: Richardson and Son, 1851.

Pratt, Orson, and Christ Jesus. Chapter 1. The True Faith.-(Chapter 2. True Repentance.-Chapter 3. Water Baptism.-Chapter 4. The Holy Spirit.-Chapter 5. Spiritual Gifts.-Chapter 6. Necessity for Miracles.-Chapter 7. Universal Apostasy, Etc.-Chapter 8. Latter Day Kingdom, Etc.), 1856.

White, Ellen Gould Harmon. Spiritual Gifts. Battle Creek, Mich.: Published by James White, 1858.

Cornell, Merritt E. Miraculous Powers : The Scripture Testimony on the Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts. by M.E. Cornell. Battle Creek, Mich.: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Association, 1862.

Lear, Francis B. D. Rector of Bishopstone Salisbury. The Unity and Variety of Spiritual Gifts. A Sermon [on 1 Cor. Xii. 7] Preached ... On ... The Sunday Following the Deaths of H. Drury and A. T. Corfe, 1863.

Campaginator. The Heresy of a Professional One-Man Ministry, and a Claim for the Priesthood of Believers and the Free Exercise of Spiritual Gifts, 1866.

Bush, George, and Ministry Christian. The Christian Ministry, Considered in Relation to the Priesthood of Believers, and the Free Exercise of Spiritual Gifts. [an Abridgment Of "The Origin of Priesthood and Clergy" By George Bush.]. London: Longmans and Co., 1867.

Smith, Uriah. The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White : A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures. Battle Creek, Mich.: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868.

Bohm, Charles J. T., and Church Catholic Apostolic. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries : A Word of Exhortation, Warning, and Consolation, for All the Children of God ; [Translated] from the German, Berlin, 1848. Edinburgh: T. Laurie, 1869.

Govett, Robert. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost and Miracle Sic : Essentially Connected with Justification by Faith. London: James Nisbet and Co., 1869.

Govett, Robert. Have We the Gifts of the Spirit? : Two Letters to Indoctus. London: James Nisbet and Co., 1869.

Martin, James, and Baptist Association of Victoria. The Spirit Quenched or, Spiritual Gifts Suppressed by the Church : A Sermon Preached at the Ninth Session of the Baptist Association of Victoria, Held in Melbourne, November 1869. Melbourne: George Robertson, 1869.

Govett, Robert. We Have Not the Spirit's Gifts: Let Us Seek Them! : Another Letter to Indoctus. London: James Nisbet and Co., 1870.

Cardale, John Bate, and Church Catholic Apostolic. The Fourfold Ministry : Delivered in the Assembly of the Seven Churches in London, 7th March, 1871. S.l.: s.n., 1871.

Liddon Henry, Parry. Spiritual Gifts. A Sermon Preached in St. Paul's Cathedral ... August 4th, 1872, (Penny Pulpit. New Series. No. 590.). London: F. Davis, 1872.

Govett, Robert. Are 'the Brethren' Right? : Or, Scripture Testimony Concerning the Spirit and His Gifts. Norwich: Fletcher and Son, 1876.

Brownlie, W. R., and Church Catholic Apostolic. The Gifts of the Spirit and the Ministries of the Lord : The Calling and Ordination of Ministers; the Relation of the Scriptures and the Ministers; the Cherubim as a Symbolic Ministry, Letters To "The Brethren". Glasgow: D. Hobbs and Co., 1877.

Catholic Apostolic, Church. The Decline of the Spirit of Sonship, the Cause of Our Spiritual Weakness : The Revival of the Power of That Relationship, the Sure Ground of Manifestation of All Spiritual Gifts and Grace. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1880.

Paget, Francis Bishop of Oxford, and Robert Marshall Heanley. Concerning Spiritual Gifts. Three Addresses, ... Together with a Sermon, Etc: pp. 64. Parker and Co.: Oxford, 1881.

Erskine, Noel Leo, Russell Kelso Carter, and Thomas Erskine. The Supernatural Gifts of the Spirit. Philadelphia, Pa.: Office of "Words of Faith", 1883. microform.

Glover, Richard. The Gift of Prophecy: An Address Delivered at the Annual Session of the Baptist Union, on Monday, April 28th, 1884. London: Alexander and Shepheard, 1884.

Macleod, Alexander. The Power of Gifts: Sermon Preached in St. George's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, at the Opening of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of England, April 28, 1890. [Liverpool]: [s.n.], 1890.

Bond, M. H. Spiritual Gifts and the Seer of Palmyra: A Sequel to Spiritual Gifts and Spirit Manifestations. Providence, R.I.: [E. A. Johnson and Co., 1891.

Godbey, William B. Spiritual Gifts and Graces. Cincinatti, OH: M.W. Knapp, 1895.

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